-Jerry Smith, MSW, CH-
Asheville Natural Hypnosis
Call 828.775.8490
Hypnosis is generally taken to mean the induction of a trance state. It simply means a focused state of attention. Attention can be focused externally, or it can be focused internally. You've been in a trance if you've ever been absorbed in a great film, lost in a good book, or swept up in a symphony. You've been in a trance if you've ever stared in fascination at a sunset or a passing cloud. You've also been in a trance if you've ever stared out of the window, daydreaming about something which happened twenty years ago.
The use of hypnosis to assist individuals in their own healing and personal empowerment is not a new practice. Anton Mesmer in the 1700’s practiced hypnosis and psychotherapy in conjunction. And in 1958 the American Medical Association acknowledged hypnosis as a valuable tool in medical treatment.
The results of hypnosis are as effective as the willingness and desire of the client to achieve them. Countless people who have had issues such as weight loss, phobias, habit control, ADHD, childhood issues, physical pain, anxiety, or low self esteem, say, when hypnosis solved their life problem, “I should have tried this first!"
The language of the subconscious is imagery and the basis for hypnosis is imagination. Hypnosis is a powerful aid to help clients use the most powerful medical tool and pharmaceutical factory in the world - your own mind. The key to self healing is to methodically communicate the desired healing messages to the subconscious mind in its own language- imagery.
Einstien states, “Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge points to all there is. Imagination points to all there will be.” This gives the client a level of control over their own health and welfare so they can successfully regulate and master unwanted aspects of their own lives. Anyone with the desire to enhance or strengthen a behavior or eliminate unwanted behaviors would benefit from hypnosis.
Despite all the mystery, then, hypnosis is simply a method for focusing the attention and turning it inwards.. It is nothing more - and nothing less - than a way of working with and taking control of something which is happening already.